Just cleaned pumpkin off a toy soldier … and other phrases I never thought I’d write
3 Jun 2010
I have learned the past five months to try not to lose my sense of humour. Babies and chaos and mayhem go together.
It is important to just put on a clean shirt and solider on! (Of course, that is if you can find a clean shirt.) So while I sponged pumpkin puree off a soft toy soldier, I thought about how I once had a clean life. With Sylvie and I together there was hardly any mess and my cleaner in Sydney would occasionally run out of things to do. Now of course there is mess everywhere, in spite of my efforts to keep the place tidy, if not clean. I remembered also that there were nights at home in Sydney in my clean house with my neat cat, when there was no one there to laugh at my jokes, no one to tease me or share my nice wine. There were times when I needed help and there wasn’t any.
Now of course, I have help, wine and laughter. As well as a son. And pumpkiny toy soldiers.
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Feb 20, 2011 @ 00:09:42
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michelle , Louise Bassett. Louise Bassett said: Weekend rewind at the Fibro – http://wp.me/pPZpv-32 thanks for the lovely comments on my post :) […]
Feb 19, 2011 @ 23:25:12
oh sob! beautiful. mess, chaos, poo. it all comes with love.
i had similar thoughts last night, out with my 4 on king street (rubbing it in again) watching the singletons all glammed up but i found nothing to envy.
m xx
Feb 19, 2011 @ 23:14:36
There are so many things I never thought I’d do before I became a Mum. But then you do, and you do. I do dream of a cleaner though. Some days. Then I realise I’d be one of those people who cleans up for the cleaner…
Thanks for Rewinding at the Fibro!
Feb 19, 2011 @ 15:50:51
What a lovely reflection on being a mum. Your son is also completely edible, I can understand why you are accepting of the mess. :)
Feb 20, 2011 @ 07:25:08
Thank you :)
Feb 19, 2011 @ 14:36:02
Life is so much fuller with pumpkiny toys and untidy rooms wouldn’t you say? But a few days of order and organisation would be icing on the top from time to time huh? Hi from the Fibro x
Feb 19, 2011 @ 14:42:31
Can I just say, I love my cleaner.
I also love how far I have progressed with this motherhood business since I wrote this post.
Thanks for the rewind love.