The wood AND the trees
4 Jul 2011
I have been in a persistent funk lately. Since Easter really. It’s a bloody long time.
I’ve been functioning. I’ve read. I’ve written some stuff but I have had this weight around my neck. What I haven’t felt is really happy. Momentarily I’ve lightened up and laughed. I know, it shocked me too. As for sustained joy to the world, not more than a few minutes at a time. Even things I really enjoyed, I’ve just been meh about. My Klout score have plummeted, as I, gasp, even had some downtime from twitter. Why am I telling you this?
It has been a reminder to me, that I can’t do it all. I’ve written about this before and here and here. The pressure to be a great mother, good housekeeper and home manager, work too and then in my spare time (ha!) write, so my mind doesn’t desert me; it is too much. Not the doing of it, for which I have a seemingly endless capacity. It’s the internal dialogue which keeps telling me I can do better, do more, get more organised, have a tidier house, be a better partner, mother, step-mother, worker, writer. God it just goes on and on and on. It is literally a pain in the neck. My neck aches with the stress of it. My osteopath is young. She puts up with fixing the same bit of me over and over. I suspect in 10 years time, she will have clients like me and just deliver them a good slap.
Yesterday, the lovely man persuaded me to go out for a walk round the lake. It was pretty cold. Walking over the Kings Avenue bridge on the way back, the wind just bore a hole through one ear and out the other. We talked about things. He is convinced we are on the up. He outlined all the rational reasons why this is so. In spite of it being cold, at least we were out as a family for a while, which can be tough in the middle of winter in Canberra. I listened in between wishing I had a hoodie on and the hood up firmly around my ears.
I dedicated today to seeing both the wood AND the trees. It is called No Jobs, Fun Monday. It is a simple idea, naturally I stole it from other mamas on twitter. Don’t do any jobs, no lists, minimal grind to keep body and soul together. Other than that just be. Toddler and I went to the National Gallery. It was raining so the romp in the sculpture garden was out of the question, since I still haven’t bought the bloody gumboots (other story). But we had fun inside. We made our way through the mysterious ‘Within without’ by James Turrell. It is nice way to enter the gallery by going once round his piece first. Then in we went, a quick tour of the abstract and minimalist works and up to the members lounge. It faces out to the lake. It is quiet on a Monday, and is a sun trap. Perfectly behaved toddler (bless his little cotton socks) read his book, played with his new magnetic blocks and ate his biscuit. I had a coffee, felt warm and stared out the huge floor to ceiling windows.
After a second cup of coffee, and a quick trip to see L’Oiseau dans l’espace [Bird in space] which is still one of my favourites, with C.O.Y.O.T.E by Louise Bourgeois, we were out in the cold damp air again. Once past the fountain out the front so Toddler could run his hand through the water and off we went.
There is probably a sound psychological principle behind these activities. It is something about changing your environment radically to enable thought patterns to change. Today, I let someone else make the coffee, enjoyed someone else wiping the table and picking up the bits of discarded Sao. I provided my child with interesting things to look at, to smell, touch and hear. It was a morning well spent.
Jul 05, 2011 @ 19:51:49
I relate to the funk so much so I have skipped everybody’s comments to get straight to the box to dump whatever comes out of my little, wind swept head.
I feel the same way, and have done for a few months (snap!) But the thing is, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t want other people to care for my children, so I do it. And getting out of the house and letting someone else make the coffee and wipe the crumbs is the best way to spend your time right now. Personally, I am sick of fighting myself and telling myself to ‘suck it up, princess’, because if I am ever to write anything worthwhile, it won’t come from the same place that says things like … ‘suck it up, princess’.
This was the post I wanted to write this week, but you did it beautifully. Thank you. It was a gentle but well needed slap to the face. xx
Stella Orbit
Jul 05, 2011 @ 21:21:35
The fighting with myself, I really really understand. It is what we all need to stop. It is hard enough as it is without adding to it.
I’ll be here, to gently slap you and you can do the same to me xo
Michelle Higgins
Jul 05, 2011 @ 06:42:45
Big hugs Louise. I can totally relate to the funk. I don’t have a magical cure but I know that I always feel better, at least for a bit, when I take my time out. And I do it religiously. And I need to actually leave the house. I also find that when I am in a funk with the kids and there is no escape usually leaving the house helps with an improvement in mood.
Stella Orbit
Jul 05, 2011 @ 21:19:36
It helps me to know that everyone is in the same boat. Tossed on the sea of motherhood.
Leaving the house will be my new best thing. xo
Jul 04, 2011 @ 21:30:48
I’ve been in a funk too L. It’s difficult to juggle it all and sometimes you have to just pare it down a bit. I also think these funks happen so we can get to points of “comfort” about the choices we make and work out a way to move forward. I gave us a similar break last week and am aiming to do that at least once a fortnight. I hope things look up soon lovely. xxx
Stella Orbit
Jul 04, 2011 @ 22:36:47
The break is really what we need. Good for you. Need to commit to it. I want to make it a regular no-plan plan.
I feel better tonight that I did last night, that’s the main thing. xo
Jul 04, 2011 @ 21:30:38
Hi there Ms Stella Orbit! I’m loving the recipe for Monday-Recover-From -Weekend-itus. Something, somewhere in the week needs to restore and nurture the nurturers. I’ve loved thinking of you and Toddle in the Gallery. So soothing and restorative. PS Melbourne is pretty chilly and icy too. Brrr!
Stella Orbit
Jul 04, 2011 @ 22:35:00
I can’t wait for summer when toddler will no doubt get nude and get in the fountain! It was really important just to stop for a couple of hours.
Thanks for reading.
Yvette Vignando
Jul 04, 2011 @ 21:01:57
You are so wise Louise – no really. I ran a webinar last week about reducing parent stress and much of it was on the themes you mentioned. The expert, Dr Helen Street, strongly recommended that you do for yourself exactly what you prescribed today – giving yourself a real break, no matter how busy you are, or think you are – very important for our mental health apparently. Her book is called Life Overload – if I ever get down to Canberra to see you, I will lend it to you x
Stella Orbit
Jul 04, 2011 @ 22:33:31
I missed last week’s webinar. Sounds like I need to listen to it. I will certainly look for Dr Helen Street’s book. Mental health for parents is critical to happy kids which should be everyone’s goal.
Thank you x
Jul 04, 2011 @ 15:43:37
Sounds like the perfect day… think I should implement No Jobs, Fun Monday at work? ; )
Stella Orbit
Jul 04, 2011 @ 22:31:50
It can be as simple as having a stare out the window.
Balance is everything.
Maybe at work you can have a small moment to reflect on what makes you happy?