Blog-Vember My Day on A Plate
5 Nov 2012
Inspired by the furore on Twitter yesterday about Pete Evans’ description of his Day on A Plate, resplendent with its activated almonds, here is #mydayonaplate blog. This post may contain traces of gluten, nuts and irony.
7:00 – Glass of water
7:02 – Two cups earl grey tea – no milk. One straight after the other.
7:17 – Muesli, honey (Honey Delight Spring Harvest), full cream milk, yoghurt (Country Valley) and a seed and fruit cereal topping to stop me dying of boredom – may contain linseed, not sure, but little bits get stuck in my teeth.
8:14 – Water while standing around waiting for coffee (HURRY UP!)
8:35 – Double shot latte
9:12 – Early grey tea
11:04 – More water and earl grey tea
Thoughts turn to second breakfast. Stupid worthy muesli.
11:47 – Two lady finger bananas – because the Cavendish banana is just horrible.
12:03 – At least six Haighs dark chocolate pastilles.
12:29 – More water
12:47 – Lunch of left over chicken, chorizo, olives, potatoes with salad from the garden of sorrel, cos lettuce and parsley.
3:00 – Soda water from my Soda Stream that I take to work every day to stave off the 3 o’clock desk slump. There is nothing so cheering as that PFFFFTTT as the lid turns and my personal carbon sequestration project is unleashed. The tiniest Cherry Ripe ever.
3:12 – Rest of the soda water – after I found I was still slumping
Narrowly avoided a vile cup of coffee.
5:40 – Vodka, lime and soda.
5:55 – Half of one of toddler’s spicy-ish meatballs – just to make sure they weren’t poison.
6:20 – Nuts (yes really) almonds included!
7:15 – Half of the freshly picked sugar snap peas from the garden on the way back to the kitchen – quietly curse myself for not planting four times as many pea plants.
7:40 – THIS
Grilled haloumi with a salad made of spinach, sorrel, fennel, parsley, mint, lemon juice and olive oil.
Soda with lime.
Every single thing I ate for dinner except the haloumi and the olive oil grown by me. The olive oil was grown by Homeleigh Grove.
I am reserving the right to eat some more and perhaps drink some more tea. Probably jasmine picked by virgins but I really haven’t decided yet.
Have food trends gone too far? How important is balance and eating well to you?
Nov 07, 2012 @ 09:27:59
I love your writing! And your day on a plate sound so much better than Pete Evans’. Poor man, i felt really sorry for him. Did all these greens really come out of your garden? The only thinkg I am missing is a glass of wine with dinner…..
Nov 05, 2012 @ 23:19:44
I approve. It is wonderful to grow your own stuff- the grilled haloumi image sets off all my Pavlovians BUT you win MOST of my approval for the Haigh’s DARK CHOCOLATE PASTILLES. Have you ever thought there’s nothing quite as unfun as a “fun size” chocolate? I love Cherry Ripe- so the more, the merrier!
Nov 05, 2012 @ 21:42:31
Thank you! See you at the markets :)
Nov 05, 2012 @ 21:17:28
Am delighted to have been part of your day :-) happy honey day to you xx