American literature – through the fence
17 Mar 2013
For a long time I have been wanting to read more American fiction. This spark was renewed last year when I read the hauntingly beautifully written William Stegner’s Crossing to Safety. A book I really, really enjoyed.
To my shame, it wasn’t until 2011 that I read John Cheever’s classic and perfectly formed short story The Swimmer and The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson, which when first published, resulted in hate mail to The New Yorker and cancelled subscriptions (I highly recommend the New Yorker Fiction podcast of this story, it gives me chills.) I should add my thanks to Kylie Ladd for both introducing me to the joy of the podcast and to The Swimmer.
Prior to this I’d plowed my way through much of Tom Wolfe (the whole of it actually), Don DeLillo, Toni Morrison, Dave Eggers (as well as McSweeney’s) and David Foster Wallace – all of whom write in a specifically American way, to my way of reading. But the wider range of the classic American texts and the best exponents of the short story, I have ignored. Largely this is because the emphasis was on reading English literature, and in some circles American literature was considered somehow less. Even at university, the bulk of my first year English texts were British. Except Fahrenheit 451, which I didn’t read – by then I was busy with other entertainments.
This is just such a wrong perception. It was said often when I was young that American fiction was full of sound and fury signifying nothing – a reference which, embarrassingly I always thought was about Macbeth. I had no idea about Faulkner. This belief that American fiction was not worth my reading time, coloured my view of the ‘classic American’ texts. And Gatsby, God’s Little Acre, Hemingway and Mark Twain.
Of course, I read To Kill A Mocking Bird, Catcher in the Rye, Grapes of Wrath (oh how I cried and cried), and even most of Kurt Vonnegut as a rebellion against the requirements to toil through all those Austens and Brontes. Indeed I think Vonnegut was the turning point. I read every single book our library possessed, and those who know how much I hate the library, will understand the commitment required.
Interestingly, now with a soul searching period of literature, post the past decade and a half, of tragedies and disasters, of bombs and hostility; the Americans are out in front in my view for dealing with what David Foster Wallace called “real American type sadness”. While here we wallow, trying to make sense of our own time in Australian fiction, and of our own stories, the Americans are dealing with their own loss and breakdown. The Road, White Noise, Falling Man, Infinite Jest, Back to Blood – the list goes on. All books about the end of times in their own specific way. All by men.
It was clear when I started writing this post, that I would get myself into trouble, it was stunning how quickly this happened. I can’t shake the academic training and I’ve stopped short of presenting any analysis because I haven’t read enough. It is ironic really that I am pronouncing that I want to read more American fiction but can’t write about it as I would like because I haven’t read enough of it. I am now in danger of labouring this point so long you’ve stopped reading!
How to proceed then. Limited reading time, but the desire to know more about a tradition that I had alternatively ignored and loved. To start, I think it might be worth addressing the gender imbalance. I’d love your suggestions. Online reading group this isn’t. That would be doomed to fail for lack of time right now. But I think a list of classics that I could work my through would be great.
I would like to compile a list. Tell me then, which American fiction should I read?
More particularly, which American women writers should I start with?
Comments please.
Ultimate book Q&A … on it goes
Jul 23, 2013 @ 18:29:32
[…] a hard question. My current favourite is Crossing to Safety,William […]
Mar 18, 2013 @ 22:59:12
You are all so fantastic.
I am putting together a long list, but based on many suggestions, The Heart is A Lonely Hunter is at the top.
Thanks for your recommendations. xo
Mar 18, 2013 @ 20:42:58
Annie Dillard (An American Childhood; Pilgrim at Tinker Creek) Nicole Krauss (The History of Love) Anne Michaels – Canadian writer/poet (Fugitive Pieces) …and have you read Patti Smith (Kids) ? … x
Mar 18, 2013 @ 13:09:11
I just tweeted you that I couldn’t think of any that hadn’t been covered by my learned colleagues above… but then I remembered. Jesamyn Ward’s “Salvage The Bones’. A MUST!
Mar 18, 2013 @ 08:10:32
I’ll have to keep an eye on this post and comments. I have not read nearly enough American literature. I’m not even sure my lit studies had any at all after high school and To Kill a Mockingbird.
Mar 17, 2013 @ 21:55:01
Jane Bowles’ Two Serious Ladies, H.D.’s Her, Patricia Highsmith’s Carol, Flannery O’Connor’s Collected Short Stories, Tillie Olsen’s Tell Me A Riddle, Grace Paley’s Enormous Changes At The Last Minute, Elizabeth Smart’s By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept
Mar 17, 2013 @ 16:28:40
Here’s the New Yorker search link. Not all these are unlocked, but many are. And there are a lot of results pages. I pigged out at this tasty smorgasbord then happily bought the book. Below search link is link to my fave of these stories, I Was Ayn Rand’s Lover, a droll, well informed piece of political fantasy that still puts on a grin on my face.
And if you want to know more about Saunders, and why I combed the New Yorker for samples, read this incredible rave published in the New York Times Magazine in January. There’s a lot more out there, but I’ll leave you to do the rest of the hunting & gathering.
Mar 17, 2013 @ 16:16:14
Enjoyed your piece. Beautiful. Thanks.
Since you ask what we’d suggest you read: Right now, George Saunders, his new collection Tenth of December, though not necessarily that story. Comb the archives of The New Yorker using his name as search term and you’ll find some wonderful shorts by him available there, unlocked.
Don’t know if Tenth, the collection is available in Oz yet but should be soon as it’s been nealy three months on the US bestseller lists. He combines bolshie politics with zesty satire and a well crafted economy of style that suits perfectly what he is communicating.
I’ll find my fave of his NYorker stories and send you the link at Twitter or post here.
Mar 17, 2013 @ 14:43:45
Carson McCullers, Edith Wharton, Sylvia Plath, Ursula le Guin (whoa, genre!), Margaret Atwood (American, Canadian – same difference), Dorothy Parker…and that’s just to name the first few that pop into my head. I’ll be back with more. Good luck…
Mar 18, 2013 @ 21:30:41
Also, one male author. If you haven’t already read Richard Yates’ Revolutionary Road, you should add that to your list too.