Valentines Day 2011

Aw sweet!

Robert and I have had some lovely Valentine’s Days. While neither of us are particularly in favour of the day itself, we do chose to do something nice for each other. Today was quite a difficult day. It was Monday. We had visitors at the weekend. Our baby was sick. Here’s our Valentine’s Day 2011.

Text message exchange –  14/02/2011 8:53am

Him ~ Happy Valentine Day

Me ~ Didn’t anyone tell you? Romance is dead.

Him ~ Bugger, what have I been doing all these years?

Me ~ I love you more than valentines day.

Him ~ Do you love me higher than I can reach?

Me ~ Much much higher than even when I am on my tippy toes.

Him ~ Higher than I can jump?

Me ~ That’s pretty high.

Him ~ I can jump over the moon.

Me ~ Wow that’s pretty high

Him ~ But not as high as my love for you.

(with a few apologies to Sam McBratney, author of Guess How Much I Love You)