Blogvember post 28 … good friends, good life
28 Nov 2012
Not often do you met someone who shares many of your hopes and dreams, who is also different enough from you to keep it genuinely interesting. One such person for me is the reason I wish I lived in Melbourne. There are other people too, and you know who you are, but there is one particular person who I wish I lived nearer to, because then I would live closer to them all!
Yesterday this fabulous person wrote one the most important pieces I’ve read for a long time. Really, it is that important. Learning resilience, she says, has far greater merit than being a winner.
When contemplating this, add to it, the idea of finding balance between supporting, caring for and nurturing your family, while looking after yourself and perhaps even finding something to do that financially contributes without taking away from everything that is important to you. Then add the pressure, to love what you do. There are more threads to this blog post that one of Ruth’s pom-poms and it knots around the core of our well-being and happiness. You can read Ruth’s post Finding balance here.
Sometimes people think our family is unconventional.
It’s true we do some things differently to others.
While I don’t think Ruth’s family is like everyone elses, for a start it is much bigger than ‘average’ whatever that really means, and it has more boys in it than I can think about without just feeling overwhelmed, I think she has crafted her family in a way that few people can manage. With a deliberate care. With mindfulness. With consideration of her impact on the world and on others.
Ruth has supported me in ways she couldn’t possibly imagine in the first three years of mothering. And in life in general. She’s provided me with inspiration, with recipes and ideas. We’ve talked about the downsides of homework, or the upsides of food markets, of love of music and family and making your own way.
This has been invaluable to me as I balance, work and mothering and all the rest of it. She has very clear views about children and food. These helped me beyond measure when I was getting myself into a lather about weetbix for dinner and worrying about fussing over food. She has written sincerely and in a helpful fashion about her family and what they eat on her blog many times. When up against it, more than once, I’ve just checked the recipes on her blog so at least I know what to make for dinner. It is not all about the food. There is a shared love for and striving for a happy home and a heart full of joy.
Ruth has helped me to see what was really important about parenting and living.
Courage. I wish her luck as she thinks about how to prepare for the next phase.
A song. For all the songs we have shared.
Who inspires you? Who helps you to see what’s truly important?
Nov 29, 2012 @ 08:20:01
It’s courage Ruth gave me – courage to have weet bix for tea some nights, and to bake my own puff pastry, among other things. You are so right in what you say.
Also, we really must get you back to Melbourne xxx
Nov 29, 2012 @ 23:53:04
Melbourne, I heart you and your people xox
Nov 29, 2012 @ 07:01:26
I have met Ruth only briefly in the flesh but she has helped and encouraged me online SO many times. I am clear that I can say that I love her, in a completely non-stalkerish way of course! What a gorgeous tribute xx
Nov 29, 2012 @ 23:52:28
Thank you. And yes the one aspect we all agree on is how ceaselessly encouraging Ruth is. Always helpful.
Nov 28, 2012 @ 20:18:27
Aw! Ruth’s such a GOODIE! You are SO right! x
Nov 28, 2012 @ 21:44:26
Indeed she is. And humble and wonderful too. An amazing woman xo
Nov 28, 2012 @ 19:31:49
For me it’s my sisters, my mum and my dad.I was just going to say sisters but realised my mum does just as much, I often think ‘what would mum do?’ then my dad does as well. I know it’d sound more impressive if I said the Dalai Lama or Martin Luther or someone but it really is my family!
Nov 28, 2012 @ 21:43:48
Family who are that great should be treasured.
Lucky lucky.
Nov 28, 2012 @ 17:00:34
I am totally overwhelmed by your generosity.
I am trying to find words but my heart has filled up and is overflowing out of my eyes.
Just know this means SOOOOO much to me.
SO very very much.
Nov 28, 2012 @ 21:43:08
Love to you xox