Top ten signs your life is an omnishambles
28 Mar 2013
There are some clues about how much I need a week off. Here are my top ten.
1. Missing appointments. Yesterday I forgot my haircut and bookclub.
2. That sad pathetic feeling that life is all a bit too hard.
3. The luggage under my eyes. ‘Bags’ doesn’t cut it as a description anymore.
4. Failure to get excited about champagne saucers.
5. My osteopath giving me 5 out of 10 for the state of my body.
6. Millions of typos in everything I write.
7. Fantasies about someone else making beds, washing clothes and bringing me tea.
8. Reckless disregard for fashion sense.
9. Excessive f-bomb dropping via speakerphone without checking who I am talking to first.
10. Wanting to sleep for one hundred years. With no thought about ever being woken up, ever, let alone by princes.
How can you tell if you need to reset?
What are the early warning signs that you are about to fall over?
Tanya Davies
Apr 04, 2013 @ 21:26:07
ah, the omnishambles. yes, indeed :) accidentally zoning out halfway through peoples’ sentences is a good indicator. the other is wheni cant see much carpet/floor anywhere in my house. not to worry, a friend of mine just posted a photo of her still-standing christmas tree. :) x
Stella Orbit
Apr 15, 2013 @ 22:54:45
GOLD! Tree still up in April. That is truly amazing.
Twitchy (@TwitchyCorner)
Mar 29, 2013 @ 22:29:04
Omnishambles, huh? I like what you did there with *clusterfuck*. There are many signs for me that I need a rest, they also include swearing like I have Tourettes and words dropping out of my planned sentences like … well, like that. x
Stella Orbit
Apr 15, 2013 @ 22:53:40
A little rest did wonders, but really it’s the always too much that is weighing me down.
Expect omnishambles will continue for some time xo
Stella Orbit
Mar 29, 2013 @ 20:01:20
My table is the same. Jumble is a polite word for it
PS – hoodie is on!
Mar 28, 2013 @ 18:25:59
The state of the washing pile is the best indicator of how much I need a break. At the moment every item of clothing worn in the past 2 weeks is in a mountain behind a couch. A close second is the kitchen table. I love having a nice arrangement of candles, silverware, special items on it – right now it’s a jumble of all the stuff from all the days.
And perhaps dropping the F-bomb in my office while the door was open and a class of 5 year olds walked by was a bit of a sign too.
Rest up, sleep,drink tea and wear the hoodie. x