Sydney adventure – the book launch – part one
5 May 2011
Read this first. Here is my ever cavet on a blog post. This post is massively self-indulgent; don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also, if you are on twitter and I fail to mention you, and I did in fact see you – I cannot apologise enough. I should have kept notes, but I didn’t. Sorry in advance. Please don’t be mad. Note also that I have referred to peeps by the Twitter ‘handle’ so you can look them up.) It will be in two parts – because it is so long and is taking a long time to write due to ‘fact checking.’
When you have a very intense experience, and you pack a lot into 53 hours, it can be hard to write about. Where to start? Favourite bits? Chronological order? Funniest bits? Best alone in a big bed bits? Best I’m away by myself and I couldn’t be more pleased bits?
I have recently returned from Sydney, the town that I know and love. I went by myself. I left my lovely man and my love child to fend for themselves. I left NO notes. They will figure it out, I reckoned. After all here’s what the Commentator General had to say about it:
I cleaned up the house, packed the car, loaded the playlists and was off. Fittingly as I drove out of the petrol station at the edge of town Booker T and the MGs started up Green Onions. It seemed it I was off to a good start. It was just me, the trucks and the grey nomads driving to Sydney and none of them were going anywhere as exciting as me.
I was driving to Sydney to attend the launch of Kerri Sackville’s book When My Husband Does the Dishes … I was, putting it mildly, wildly excited. Months in the planning and anticipation, the launch of Kerri’s book was to bring two worlds colliding at full speed. The real world, where we are not two dimensional avatars and the virtual world, where our better shinier selves live. For Kerri, especially, this represented a huge collision. Her family and friends were mobbed in a bookshop by a horde of people screaming ‘oh it’s YOU’ at each other and whipping out their iphones to photograph the moment and then tweet about it.
Kerri’s book launch was just the right amount of excuse I needed to get away from everything and everyone for a couple of days. I booked my favourite hotel in Potts Point – sadly it has gone downhill after being sold to a chain (who would have thought! I know) However it is still a fantastic location and walking distance to the book launch – I planned ahead, a long way ahead. This meant that I was perfectly placed and relaxed for a short walk to the pre-launch tweet up at The Beauchamp. I was walking into a pub to meet people who I knew would be there but who I had never met! People I’d been dying to meet.
I stopped briefly to check my phone and there was a message from @AnIdleDad, he was already at the pub. I sent off a message saying I would be there is less than a minute. Then of course, I had to find him. He has a cartoon avatar. I’d never met the man. I had no idea. Luckily, it was easy since the Beauchamp was practically empty and he was the only straight man for about 2 kilometres at that moment. After a quick hello the pub was flooded with others who’d just arrived. (Now I am totally scared I will forget someone who was there – hence the please don’t be mad cavet) We were joined by @macsnorky, @traceyb65, @KallieT, @TwitchyCorner, @ptmaree, @propinqua, @danyadoi, @Skip91 soon after. There were introductions and real names may have been used. We showed each other photos of our children – bless. Many iphones were on display. It then poured with rain. Bucketed for about 5 minutes. Then just as quickyly stopped. Phew. I suggested we get moving, to avoid the rain and so we could make the most of the free booze at the launch. Off we went to Ariel, a 2 minute walk. We walked into a parallel universe where the virtual and the real world had crashed together in spectacular fashion.
After discovering that there were name tags but not one for me – sob. My crushing disappointment at this made me momentarily socially spastic. I failed to properly introduce myself to Kylie Ladd! Yeah. I know. Stupid. But I quickly recovered and stopped pouting. Then it was off for a bout of shouting ‘OH it’s YOU’ every few seconds as someone else, I had been speaking to regularly but had never met hove into view. Then one the highlights of my night; I met @fender4eva. The perfect perfect gentleman and the reason for the return of Kerri’s writing mojo in the form of her blog and then the book. Here he was in the flesh. A delight. In quick sucession, and with at least one champagne under my belt I met fantastic people. One after another after another.
After a while we looked like this:
To be continued …
May 05, 2011 @ 22:37:39
Well unfortunately for me I have booked my Australian arrival a few months too late. Nonetheless in reading your post & following the #hubbydoesdishes Tweets on launch night I felt as if I was there, & I was spared the hangover the next day.
I can’t wait for my Australian arrival & a chance to attend some exciting tweetups myself.
the rhythm method
May 05, 2011 @ 21:30:43
How wonderful! I can’t wait for part 2. Sounds like you had a fantabulous weekend with your tweeps. x
May 05, 2011 @ 19:28:35
like you, i have the support of a wonderful fella in the shape of @andygreenpoint who barely blinked when i mentioned not one, but three days away to take advantage of some child-free time in the Big City. whilst the window shopping at Zara, the Archibald exhibition and buying jewellery at Paddington Markets were all fun, it was The Launch, and being surrounded by new friends (who all felt like old friends) that was the highlight.
i love youse all! xt
May 05, 2011 @ 17:51:00
Hello Beautiful. We had a BIG hug when Kerri was signing…so somewhere ‘up there’. It was lovely to meet you…yay for that…and to remark with agreement that @mamabook’s house inspection was to again be ‘rained on.’
So pleased you left Canberra WITHOUT making a list…. Oh.You.Are.Good!
Wasn’t it all a hoot…and as you say, and Kerri mentioned…my two worlds are in this room… Lovely.
And, as I am now retired…and I have tweeps like you, @bugmum and @actinglikeamama in ACT…I am a-coming down for a few days sometime this year…and it will be awesome to meet again with more time to talk. D XX
May 05, 2011 @ 18:07:02
It was a shame it rained! However, it was an awesome night anyway both for book launches and meeting people, and perhaps for buying houses too.
It is not me that is so good, it’s @CommentatorGen – he rocks!
Robert Gotts
May 05, 2011 @ 17:23:27
@stellaorbit needn’t have worried about leaving me looking after the baby. We were just fine (although the Noodle House experiment was a failure, much vomiting by the baby later that night). @stellaorbit has talked about nothing else in the proceeding week and I’m so glad that she had the opportunity to go to the book launch, get away from the grind, and meet lots and lots of lovely people that she’d been conversing with for months.
May 05, 2011 @ 18:07:58
Thanks for mentioning the vomit. I needed reminding, NOT. Had a top time, thanks to you, who was left holding the baby :)
Kylie L
May 05, 2011 @ 17:21:07
Why are you and I the ONLY ones doing the Seraphim pose?? I look like an idiot. At the time I was hoping I looked like Megan Gale #bittoomuchchampagne
And yeah, you didn’t even introduce yourself properly. I will never talk to you again! As you can see.
(Great blog! Lovely to relive the memories)
May 05, 2011 @ 18:10:20
We are pretending to do the pose – sigh. Nevermind. Electric looks pretty excited as does Mr Tall up the back there.
Glad I recovered from my social spasticity and finally get to talk to you properly. A complete delight. Cheers *hic*
May 05, 2011 @ 17:11:41
Thanks for your kind words, Louise. I am not worthy, but keep saying them anyway ! Great to meet you, and here’s to the next launch……. :-)
May 05, 2011 @ 18:08:50
I am hoping Dr Ladd can get one for Melbourne. That would be amazeballs.
Great time had by all. Very glad to meet you.