When my husband does the dishes … Kerri Sackville’s booklaunch part two (A)
31 May 2011
It is taking an incredibly long time to deliver on my promised part two of the story of Kerri Sackville’s book launch. I just read @TwitchyCorner’s account. Her part one. It’s such a big story it needs to be told in stages! There is also, perhaps, something like collective amnesia induced by champagne, occurring. So to tide you over and to pique your interest, while I stuff around writing all the things I am supposed to be writing – like a review of the book for HerCanberra.com.au – par exemple – here is part two (A). The teaser to Part Two.
Some of my favourite moments from after the official ‘launching bit’ and the after party.
@Woogsworld diving into my cleavage to get a better sniff of my perfume (Fracas – for the record).
Giving @deemadigan a lecture on the ACT Legislative Assembly and how it is unicameral.
Dragging @alexricia around to meet people after she had an attack of the shys.
Saving my phone number to @indydreaming’s phone as DUDE! (This only came to light much later – like last week!)
Asking @electric589 why I always imagined the distance between Ariel Booksellers and Dinosaur Designs on Oxford Street, to be much shorter than it actually is, only to cut him off dead when he started to give me a totally serious and sensible answer about spatial perception.
Waiting what seemed liked hours for a pizza with @lgcollard @BenisonAnne @yvettevignando and @Nicky_Lavigne When it finally arrived, after what was actually hours, it was delicious, but we had all pretty much lost interest and were talking about sex. Again.
Jun 08, 2011 @ 23:21:39
I had no idea you posted this, too funny! And I can’t believe you still have heaps more to tell after that! I must say I am relieved that you still haven’t completed your report. (I lost a month due to my site overhaul, but still…best we get on with it!) xx
Stella Orbit
Jun 09, 2011 @ 22:18:40
So many stories, so little time.
There is more and more and then some. xo
Kylie L
Jun 01, 2011 @ 09:46:56
And I remember the pizza because it was when it arrived that I realised I MUST EAT NOW and snaffled somebody else’s bowl of chips. If that was your order and you’re reading this, I’m really sorry. But it probably ensured I made sure Kerri got home safely. ish.
Lovely blog; great memories. Sigh!!!
Linda Collard
Jun 01, 2011 @ 08:57:30
Kerri Sackville
May 31, 2011 @ 22:09:12
I am quite sure my husband has more hair than that….
Stella Orbit
Jun 01, 2011 @ 09:14:39
It’s a very deceptive angle, and the lighting isn’t great. I’m sure he doesn’t look like that IRL. In fact, are you sure that’s your husband?!
May 31, 2011 @ 21:59:51
Oh, I remember the pizza! I think I ended up having one slice because, as you said, we were WAY too busy catching up…on our lives!
Stella Orbit
Jun 01, 2011 @ 09:15:15
We were deep into the conversation before we even ordered the pizza. And it was great. Loved meeting you. xo