Friday – this week I am grateful for …
12 Nov 2010
This post is about sleep. I need sleep. I need about eight hours solid. I prefer ten but I haven’t achieved that since my early twenties. I have been short on sleep for a really long time. It shows. This week we have made significance progress towards getting back to eight hours of sleep a night for me. This Friday I am grateful that Benedict is finally ‘sleeping through’ the night. This means I can get into bed and then not get out of it until the morning. The proper morning; not 3am or 4am or 5am but more like 7am.
Sleep is now more precious than gold. Sleep is the commodity of our age. All the baby books are directed toward getting babies to sleep through the night as quickly as possible. It’s an obsession. We talk about it. We think about. We research techniques. We tell ourselves it will be better, things will improve when the baby sleeps through the night.
I read an article by Robin Barker, author of Baby Love, about how this obsession had stopped her from working with parents. In 2004 she was interviewed by The Age. She recounted how she was ‘driven from’ her profession of 20 years. ‘I am amazed at how sleep has taken over the baby-care agenda. The whole child’s future seems to hinge on what parents do about the child’s sleep.’ She describes how she would spend half her working day describing how to deal with sleep. She received criticism for not including strict routines in her book. She advocates controlled crying. It’s not more complex than that. If you want to stop getting up to your baby in the night, that’s what she suggests – after six months.
I took this advice seriously. I was meeting the needs of my demand breast-fed baby by getting up twice a night between midnight and 6am. I was letting him lead. I was being a good mother. Benedict was fine, happy and healthy. I was dead on my feet. I was becoming a husk of myself. I would barely function some days. It had to stop.
When Benedict was six months we tried the control crying method outlined in Baby Love. We tried for two weeks. He cried one of the nights for one hour and forty-five minutes. Without stopping. He is a baby with a will of iron. We tried to drop the 4am feed. He didn’t wake at midnight. We kept up the midnight feed, he started waking again at midnight and 4am. It was, in short, a long, difficult, tense disaster. Every time we entered his room he would get more upset. We gave up. We were very very tired. I worked out I had had only one nights’ unbroken sleep in about eighteen months – or from about the six-week mark of pregnancy.
At my wit’s end, I was prepared to try anything. Save Our Sleep came into view. I had initially dismissed it. Too rigid, too much like ‘Contented Little Baby’, not for me. My best mama friend urged me to try. She lent me the book. She used her own child as an example – the boys were born on consecutive days. I brought the book home. I stretched out the afternoon, I gave Benedict his dinner at 5pm. I waited til 6pm to give him a bath and then a bottle. At 7pm I put him to bed.
When he woke at 4am, Robert gave him a bottle. Then in the morning we were following the routine. It worked for us. The only issue we needed to solve was him calling to me at night when he woke between 2 and 4am. He was a good sleeper, he self-settled, we had good bedtime rituals – we were halfway there already. But I had reinforced the idea that I would come to him if he called in the early morning. It was a habit not necessity. He wasn’t hungry, he wasn’t uncomfortable; he just knew that if he cried, one of us would come and then he’d feel better.
The first night, he cried for an hour. Protest crying. How could you do this too me? Can’t you hear me? I’m here! And then a bit of crying that said – you bastards how could you? We ignored it. I wrote notes to remind myself in the morning what had happened.
After one night Benedict dropped the protest cry at 4am. The next night he slept longer and then by the fourth day he slept til almost 7am. He was ready at 10 months and now he sleeps through the night.
Of course, sleeping through still involves night murmuring and noisily changing position, in the transition between sleep cycles. It does also mean, no parental assistance with these transitions; no bottles, no patting, just being left alone to go back to sleep.
It isn’t magic. It’s not a miracle cure. It is sensible advice. Save Our Sleep worked for us. I am grateful for that. We made some mistakes. We should have followed the routines earlier. We should have been less ambiguous. More consistent. We weren’t. In the end we solved our problem. It took some doing.
Interestingly, every woman I spoke to with older children who had more than one said to me, ‘I demand fed the first one, the second one, I didn’t’. I heard this when Benedict was 6 weeks and I dismissed it. I should have listened more.
Now I need to re-train myself to sleep through the night. I’ve been waking up every night in the past ten days even though Benedict hasn’t; because I have been waking up every night since May 2009. It will, I hope, stop soon, and our house will be an oasis of calm between 10pm and 7am.
Nov 15, 2010 @ 23:21:46
Your journey sounds like mine and we have about a 70/30 ratio going at the moment aged a little more than 2. 70% of the time he is a good sleeper and 30% he is still a really crappy sleeper. Took us a long, long, long time to get to this stage and it was really very, very, very, very bad for about 6 months. Like you I detested the idea of routine and crying it out and came across the Sheyne Rowley Dream Baby Guide which is similar to your bible mentioned. It changed our life for the absolute better. My Mr was working disgustingly long hours (sleeping in the office) in the thick of this so in all honesty, I knew it’d be down to me and the Bebito to sort it out and that in part I’d made a rod for my own back with a feed to sleep association.
I found co-sleeping horrendous (not that I’m against it it just didn’t work for us) and when he has needed to co-sleep I’ve left the boys in our bed and slept on the couch as we all sleep better that way.
The Mr was remarking the other day that the price we pay for not following the routine isn’t really worth it so we may as well follow the routine that works. I must admit that we stick quite vigorously to it to this day and I know that’d annoy some people (it annoys family and friends who don’t “get” it) if they had to stick to such a thing but honestly, it’s far preferable than getting up 10 or 12 times a night like we were trying to shush a hysterical child back to sleep.
Nov 15, 2010 @ 09:20:38
Thanks for the lovely comment. I find it really interesting the way everyone has a different story here. It reinforces the individual nature of children and the parenting they need.
It is encouraging to think it is just a stage.
Nov 13, 2010 @ 20:26:41
To be honest, we only tried controlled crying once. It just was not for us, or our babies. I demand fed both, my first until he was 13 months (when I got pregnant with number 2 & he self weaned), my youngest until she was 14 months & she self weaned. It worked for us.
My babies were not good sleepers, youngest worked it out and began sleeping through at 17 months, youngest worked it out at about the age of 4! She slept with us most nights up until then, or at least part of the night.
I know this seems crazy to some people, but it was how we functioned & got through each day and night.
Everyone is different. This worked for us… but I still wake most nights to the tiniest sound usually not the kids, but I have always been a light sleeper anyway!