Friday – this week I am grateful for … excellent service
11 Mar 2011
You may have read about my return to work. You may also have read my Massive Rant about Consumer Goods. Today I am grateful that my return to the workplace will be *ah hem* a well supported one. I have just returned from one of Canberra’s finest retail establishments, laden down with new underwear.
I was startled to read on Mamamia that ‘lapsed fashion, same old underwear’ was cited by those interviewed as a reason to leave a relationship at the 3 year mark. We are past the 3 year mark – but only just. Mr Lovely and I have crammed a lot in. Including our lovely boy. I am, for reasons of economy, still wearing my maternity undies. While no one has needed quick access to my boobs, for nutritional reasons, for a while now, there was still no reason, before this week, to give those expensive but comfortable maternity bras the flick just yet.
Suddenly there are two reasons. A survey contained a statistic that told me it was a factor in ending relationships (it must therefore be true) and I have to go to work. I have to protect my fragile but vitally important reputation as a professional by dressing and acting like one. Work, where people will see me up close; and they won’t be the people to whom I can proffer excuses like ‘can’t be arsed’, or my favourite ‘it’s a bit how-you-going round here today’* – which freely translated means, I am still in my pj’s, haven’t done my hair, there is a kid smearing Vegemite along the wall and there are probably a pile of dishes in the sink. These code words are usually fine for my mama friends also in the midst of mothering, who will have offered the same words to me when I race over to their houses to borrow something or collect a lost sippy cup. The excuse ‘can’t be arsed’ is really not appropriate for work.
And I really have to wear shoes. Bugger it. I’ve been wearing three pairs of Birkenstock on rotation for fifteen months. Bye bye to that.
With all this in mind and a looming end to ‘free time’, I made my way to my shop of choice for underwear. It is an institution this shop. It is owned and run by a totally fantastic woman, let’s call her Fil (for that is her name). What I really love about Fil is that when I walk in, she is pleased to see me. She remembers my name. She knows what I like. She keeps records of what I have bought. She knows about my family. She remembers.
When I told her I was going back to work she started to cry. For Benedict. She understands the pain of separation. She quizzed me about the childcare – checking to make sure it was ok. She was complementary about how my body had fared in its recovery from pregnancy and early mothering.** Fil fitted me carefully. She asked questions about how often I was working to make sure I was buying what I needed. She gave me advice about sorting out my wardrobe so I was ready for the morning chaos and mayhem of getting out of the house with child and man in tow. (Man would argue I am being towed, but let’s leave Fil to think it is ME who is the driving force.)
She gave me permission to throw away some of the maternity bras – she told me exactly how long I had had them and that it was long enough – but not others, which she thought would still be worth wearing for a while. It is not all about the money for Fil. It is about service. About people and making them feel good about themselves. It is skill, she’s highly trained. But it is also a gift. Fil is turned out in a way that I never could be. Nails perfect, hair smooth and done. Sky scraper killer heels. Ordinarily it would be enough to send me running. What is perfect about her, is that she doesn’t judge. She cares for people. She doesn’t care that I am wearing jeans and Birkenstocks. She doesn’t care that I say no to the expensive undies. She cares that she has provided service and advice and that what I am buying fits me and suits my life.
When I am getting dressed next Friday I will pull a complete ensemble out of the wardrobe. The hanger will have a whole outfit on it – right down to knickers. It will be easy to get dressed and it will make me feel good and less stressed. I will thank Fil then for her care and attention. Now if I could just get someone else to come over and sort out the wardrobe for me; then my life really would be perfect.
* Not really sure where this expression ‘a bit how-you-going’ comes from. But I have said it a lot in the past twelve months.
** Man would say that I only listen to this sort of thing when it comes from someone else. To him I say, I always listen, even if I rebuff the kind words. It does make a difference.
Mar 12, 2011 @ 17:37:03
Thanks for the great comments. Seems I am even luckier than I thought!
Have been wearing said underwear all day and it gets the big tick of approval!
Fantastically comfortable.
Contact me direct if you want the deets. The swing tag says ‘Toutes les minutes, une femme s’offre ce modèle’ (every minute a woman buys this product) and now I know why. Fantastic!
Mar 12, 2011 @ 16:13:10
Ah, I am fivebirds in the comment above is a mystery to me! it’s me… Naomi!
Mar 12, 2011 @ 16:11:58
I love Fil. I think I may need to come to your neck of the woods to buy underwear.
I have found such a lack of good fitters in Melb that I still do my undergarment shopping in Hobart when I’m there.
There is nothing like feeling good about yourself, and well fitted underwear and great work clothes make all the difference.
Mar 12, 2011 @ 00:18:10
I love that you have a Fil. I need one here in Melb. as I also need to upgrade my ‘foundation garments’. True to statistics, most of mine do not properly fit any more. (After 16+ years in this relationship though, you could say I’ve adopted the worn-in approach). :o
Mar 11, 2011 @ 21:25:01
I love Fil. I do not have such a person in my life and desperately need one. More reasons to visit Canberra. You and the brown eyed boys are still numero uno.
Mar 11, 2011 @ 16:19:22
But but but… did Fil set you up with some gorgeous new #nightundies??
Mar 11, 2011 @ 17:26:30
She did better than that. She gave me the Simone Perele catalogue to bring home to give Robert. Always thinking, that’s Fil.
Mar 11, 2011 @ 12:55:11
Well I am so glad I am not the only one wearing a maternity bra long past the era I’ve had to unlatch it for quick access. In its defense it is a dream to wear, it has grown with my breasts from almost ready to burst to the nice sag they are at now. This bra is what I call my “house” bra. My “out of the house” bra sits with my “out of the house” clothes that I throw on for , grocery/doctor/school runs. But you can bet that as soon as I step foot back in side my house I eagerly put on my “house” bra, along with my trackiedacks, uggs, and a ratty old tshirt. Then I can relax.
I soon will be in the same boat as you, on the quest for proper under support to hold up my goods in a new workplace. Perhaps you can hold my hand and lead me to your angel named Fil for some sweet TLC for me.
Mar 11, 2011 @ 17:27:28
It shall be our second mission when you arrive in Canberra, after the markets. :)