Blog-vember post the sixth … the fifth year
6 Nov 2012
Yesterday I celebrated five years with the ACT Government. This means it’s been five years since I returned to Canberra, something I vowed I would never, never do, and five years since Robert and I met.
That seems a breathtakingly short period of chronological time for what has come to pass since 5th of November 2007. That moment when his shoe collided with my empty filing cabinet and nearly made me fall off my chair, has the clarity of fine crystal. It is fine, and sharp and precious and rare.
It is two years since I wrote one of my favourite ever pieces; open letter to my child about his father.
While you are reading this, I will be eating his roast chicken and we will be talking about everything and nothing.
I will ask about his favourite Leonard Cohen song so I can add it to this post, and he won’t remember any of the names. He will describe about five songs because he finds it impossible to limit the choice to just one.
Luckily I don’t find it impossible to limit my choice to one.
One song, one soul mate, one shared life.
Nov 11, 2012 @ 13:10:44
Awww. Now my heart is full x
Nov 15, 2012 @ 14:08:45
Thank you xox
Nov 07, 2012 @ 22:20:15
Best wishes to you both xx
Nov 08, 2012 @ 20:52:07
Thank you lovely xox
Nov 07, 2012 @ 09:21:01
Beautiful! and I love the photo of you two. I heard Tower of Song this morning driving to work. It’s one of my favourites too – although I may be a bit like Robert and have more than one _ Alexandra Leaving comes very close too.
Nov 08, 2012 @ 20:51:34
Thank you lovely. It actually really hard to just single out one song I love the best, but Tower of Song is right up there. xox
Nov 07, 2012 @ 07:55:24
Lovely. I can’t believe it’s been two years since the other post… where has that time gone?!
Nov 08, 2012 @ 20:49:04
It has flown by. I can’t believe it either xox
Nov 06, 2012 @ 23:38:44
That post of yours is one of the few blog posts I’ve read and remember and carry with me. Happy Anniversary. What a wonderful life you’ve built. X
Nov 08, 2012 @ 20:46:22
I’m really pleased that post is memorable. It makes my heart sing to hear that. xox
Nov 06, 2012 @ 22:16:03
I so love that song. I so love your words. I so love the sentiment. Beautiful post about beautiful love. xxxx
Nov 08, 2012 @ 20:48:22
Thank you. I loved writing it xox